Monday 9 February 2015

To Dress or Undress that is the question?

Now as a courier I do come across certain situations and many are basically how you answer the door to a courier. Now women will ALWAYS be covered up, whether it's clothes, chill down relaxed clothes or pyjamas but men.............well that is a WHOLE new ball game (pardon the pun but this will make sense later)!!!

I think men think it's OK to open the door to a courier in several states of undress. Now you have several types of male attire and here are a few of the following listed below:

1) 'I can't be bothered to do my trousers up' - This type of man will have his belt undone and his fly all the way down to the bottom, flashing whatever underwear he sees fit for you to see.
2) 'I've been to the loo and need some air' - This type of man is like No.1, however they are showing some flesh that's associated with the groin area that's playing peek-a-boo.
3)'I'll cover up with a towel!' - Said man claims they are just about to jump into or have jumped out of the shower.
I think they think they look like this:
..........but in reality it's this:

and they have the most tiny looking towel I ever did see. 
4)'Oh I cannot be bothered what I look like' - Said man is in what is their chill out clothes is, which in my book tends to be from what I have seen on my route. This consists of a vest (holey or not) or vest top and underwear (boxers or saggy y-fronts which really don't leave much to the imagination).
5)'I think I'm a sex god!!' - This man is similar to the shower man with a beer belly but instead of a towel he has the most skimpiest undies that he is literally falling out of.
6)'Swing low....sweet chariot' - Nothing sweet about it but I wanted to point out that this type of man answers the door in the buff, the nuddy, nude, naked.....not an ounce of fabric covering ANYTHING!!!

All off the above I just divert my eyes upwards but yeah you do glance downwards and fear you may actually go blind at the sight of what you poor eyes have just witnessed. Sometimes, it's really hard to stay focussed on the person you are talking too as  you just want to get out of that situation as soon as possible, take a shower or laugh so much your rolling around on the floor gasping for air. Instead you remain composed, hope it's not so long, skip any small talk, get the signature and make a run for it WITHOUT looking back!!!

If said men are trying to impress...............they are not! Maybe it's the shock of having a female courier answer the door as opposed to a man....who knows?!? All I can say is that it makes my day eventful and my partner Sam worry somewhat. You see ladies and gent's my man has the rippling muscles, so these other blokies that want to impress and failing at the first hurdle haha. I'm not against size but just please think before you answer the door to collect a parcel. Think of what your doing to the poor sod standing on the other side of the door....

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