Thursday 5 March 2015

Much Better.............

The snozzle has finally healed being that I have now a scar but at least I got lots of sympathy from all my customer's and admiration for continuing to do my work even though said nose was very swollen and sore. The pain of wearing my spare glasses was unbearable but the company who I have a contract with didn't have anyone to cover me so I had no choice.

Also the hospital confirmed that it wasn't broken but I had badly bruised the bone. I have ordered my replacement glasses at a cost of £340 which sadly I'm not insured for by the company as I'm self employed which is a killer. That bill shall be going on my next tax return statement as a cost of the job sadly and no doubt I will again be out of pocket due to it.

People just don't get how hard couriers work for little money, as some days I do not even make the national minimum wage per hour and yet I over the Christmas period will work more than 35hrs a week for a so called part time job. That, if I'm honest is the only time of the year I actually make money but sadly no one seems to want to employ me as I'm deemed  to old at 42yrs. Such is life....

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