Saturday 14 March 2015

Hurry Up Van Man

Sat here waiting for the van man to drop off my Saturday parcels...

I have loads to do today and my other half is home for the weekend and I would like to spend some time with him if possible! I don't have many to do today but have to wait till he shows up BEFORE I can have a life...

Tax Return 2014 to 2015

Cannot wait to start filling this in but we have to wait till April to do so....

Not going to get caught in the issue of not doing it till the last min this time as I want it done and dusted. It's amazing how quick your books get in order when you realise what is required to fill in said form.

So Hurry up I can fill my form in!!!

Feeling Invisible

I asked for some time of 3 months in advance as our company now request you give 4 weeks notice before you request time off so they can get staff in and train them up or find suitable cover for your route. The best thing about my company is even though we are technically self employed with contracts it that they will sort cover for you and not expect you to find cover yourself (which is really very handy as I hardly know anyone else who drives for the company).

So I asked for a few days around my birthday off and they now say that if you do not hear after a week of sending your form in assume it's failed. That was 3 weeks ago, other managers in the depot have said no one books that weekend off as people favour the following weekend being it's a bank holiday and yet I my manager has refused my day off it seems. Also I feel a spot of favouritism is going on in the ranks as there is one woman that over christmas got a week off even though she dropped it on their laps last thing and we were all told no one could take time off in that time period. She has again dropped it in their laps last thing this weekend and yet I'm not allowed even though there are two people who will cover me.

I was really sick with vertigo during January, very dizzy and unable to drive but I feel like this is being held against me and I had already reduced myself down to one post code by then which doesn't have many parcels but still I have been refused........not happy.

Considering I have many customers who praise my customer service skills and my no nonsense approach when parcels go missing. I go back to the customer and deal with them myself and often find ther is no proof to back up their issue. I thus save lots of hassle time with the customers/company. I have even had customers accuse me of not delivering parcels and I have seen them standing in their hallways. Which soon shuts them up when I say 'well whats that then?' pointing to to parcel with the yodel barcode on.

So customer's please do not assume you can pull the wool over courier's eyes if like me they will investigate the issue. We are not stupid and wise to your tricks....

Thursday 12 March 2015

Nearly Friday...!!!

..............Ok it's Thursday and technically half way through my week!

Been a busy week actually what with parcel's for mother's day and easter coming up one is rushed off ones feet.

I was asked to cover someone else's postcode over the weekend but I'm so busy outside of work that I do not at this point in time have time to do another postcode...........sorry! Plus the person in question kept screwing me over with Xmas last year I really cannot be arsed to be quite frank

Thursday 5 March 2015

I'm NOT the Escape Goat!!!

I just do not get it why people feel the need to hurl abuse at me on a daily basis????????? I'm just the courier that deliver's your parcel not a PUNCH BAG that you can verbally attack. IF you have a complaint then use CUSTOMER SERVICES as that is what they are paid for and not me. I do not get paid enough to listen to the utter scum rubbish that is falling from you mouth. Most of the times the issue is with the sender and not the courier service, so please check before you decide to hurl abuse as I WILL PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE!!!

Wage loss.............grrr

Just been informed by said company that our price per parcel is going to be altered.............not a happy bunny!!! I already work long hours for hardly any pay and now they want to take yet more money off us. Apparently there are stupid people in the company that do not understand or get to grips with the current payment structure (I have no problem with this) and because of such people they are making the pay for the 3 different types of parcels we deliver just one price. Which is shit....sorry for my outburst but it just makes me angry that we (the smaller couriers using out own cars) are being crippled even more. I'm tempted to hand in my notice just because I have been treated quite badly the last few months and yet I love love love this job!

Much Better.............

The snozzle has finally healed being that I have now a scar but at least I got lots of sympathy from all my customer's and admiration for continuing to do my work even though said nose was very swollen and sore. The pain of wearing my spare glasses was unbearable but the company who I have a contract with didn't have anyone to cover me so I had no choice.

Also the hospital confirmed that it wasn't broken but I had badly bruised the bone. I have ordered my replacement glasses at a cost of £340 which sadly I'm not insured for by the company as I'm self employed which is a killer. That bill shall be going on my next tax return statement as a cost of the job sadly and no doubt I will again be out of pocket due to it.

People just don't get how hard couriers work for little money, as some days I do not even make the national minimum wage per hour and yet I over the Christmas period will work more than 35hrs a week for a so called part time job. That, if I'm honest is the only time of the year I actually make money but sadly no one seems to want to employ me as I'm deemed  to old at 42yrs. Such is life....